Fees and Waivers

The questions on this page allow the applicant to apply for exemption from FCC application fees and regulatory fees and/or to submit a request for waiver of the Commission's rules with this application. For more information, see the Fee Filing Guide, FCC Form 1070AT, or call the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau at 888-CALLFCC (888-225-5322).

Exempt from Application Fees?

Select Yes or No from the pull-down menu to indicate whether the applicant is exempt from FCC application fees.

Waiver/Deferral of Fees?

Select Yes from the pull-down menu to indicate that a waiver/deferral of the FCC application fees is being requested and the application fees are not being submitted in conjunction with this filing. Select No if either one of these statements does not apply.

Waiver of Commission Rules?

Select Yes or No from the pull-down menu to indicate whether this filing includes a request for waiver of the Commission's rules (other than a request for application fee waivers). If you answered "Yes," then enter the number of rule sections involved in the waiver request in space provided.

Waiver requests in certain wireless services are subject to filing fees based on the number of rules for which waiver is sought multiplied by the number of stations (call signs) affected by the waiver. If the waiver request involves a service where waivers are feeable, the ULS system will multiply the number of stations (call signs) by the number of rule sections and compute the fee due. For information on which services have feeable waivers and the required fee amounts consult the Fee Filing Guide or FCC Form 1070AT.

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