Land development, sale and purchase – What Are my Options?

A guide for those who are considering entering into an agreement with regard to the potential development of the land.

In most cases either experienced land acquirers or professional valuers and land agents negotiate the terms of a land transaction relating to its potential development. They do so with a view to agreeing what are called Heads of Terms (which are not usually legally binding). These terms can be simple or extensive and will include whether an option fee is payable, how the purchase price is established and the length of time the purchaser has to complete or exchange legally binding unconditional agreements. The principal terms are often supplemented depending on the nature of the agreement and I have set out below some examples.

These terms enable the solicitors representing those parties to negotiate the more detailed documents incorporating the Heads of Terms in order to reach the most appropriate legal agreement in order to make the deal legally binding.

The purchasers and sellers or their agents should know the current state of the market and appreciate what commercial terms are achievable for the location and potential use of the land.

Depending upon the nature of the transaction and the desire of the purchaser and seller, I have set out below what type of document might be appropriate for implementing the terms agreed.

Land development, sale or purchase under conditional contract

Land development, sale or purchase under simple option agreement

Land development, sale or purchase under promotion agreement

Land development, sale or purchase under hybrid option agreement

As mentioned above the agents will usually advise on the commercial terms but all of the above agreements could include other terms that might be relative and by way of example, these may include the following:

The above list is not exhaustive and most of these terms will be considered by those negotiating the Heads of Terms, which will determine which is the most appropriate agreement that the parties should enter into.

Contact us

For more information or an informal chat about how we can support you through a land sale or purchase, please contact David Ashton e. t. 01825 745 366

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